Thursday, September 29, 2011

Long time without posting.

Well, sorry for not keeping things up to date. New semester at work and not much progress to talk about doesn't make for that interesting of posts. I will see about posting pictures later but for now, I will have to just tell you what I have done lately.

The most interesting thing I have done towards my CNC router is fabricating the lead screw for the z-axis. I picked up some 1/2-10 Acme rod for the screw. I made two of them for practice. Then, I turned down and threaded one end for for bearings and the other for the motor coupling. After spending a lot of time looking at anti-backlash solutions, I decided to make my own. They are actually pretty low tech and easy to make. I should be receiving my tap in a few days  I figured I would go ahead and buy one since I will be experimenting and I would need enough of them to justify the purchase. I have some UHMW-PE, Delrin, and Aluminum to work with. I have not decided which I will try first.

I have figured out the final arrangement of the drive for the x-axis and am debating for the gantry. I have chain and I have enough acme rod. I see advantages both ways. Most likely, I will go with the chain on the y-axis as well just to make it easier to calibrate having the same mechanism.

I have also been spending time working with manual machines to figure more out on how I want to have things work.  Whenever I have some spare time and materials, I have been making more tooling for my machines. Most recently, I got some stock roughed out for some more tool holders for quick change tool post on my lathe and starting to design a dividing head for my mill. Hopefully the weather will change soon so I can spend more time in the garage working on things. When it is over 100F, I really don't feel like spending too much time out there.

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